How To Figure Out A Mover Is Really Awful Before Moving Day:
Every once in a while, we see a news story that paints the moving industry in a very bad light. Sometimes, the industry deserves it, but certainly not all movers. If you do some homework, and pay attention to a few clues, you can spot the bad movers.
Look at their Truck
If a mover drives around in a dirty, dented, rusty truck, that’s really not a good sign. When movers cut corners on the truck, there’s no telling where they’ll cut corners on your move. Beyond that, imagine what the inside of that nasty truck looks like. Enough said.
Look at What They’re Wearing
Never move with a mover who doesn’t supply t-shirts to their crews. You need a way to identify the people who are moving you.
The Salesperson Doesn’t Listen
No two moves are the same. Unfortunately, many moving companies their customers as if they are the same. If your mover doesn’t listen to you, and your unique needs, can them.
The Salesperson Badmouths Other Movers
Badmouthing other movers is unprofessional. A good mover should be able to make the sale based on their own qualities and achievements. If they’re badmouthing others, other than perhaps directing you to places where you can read other people’s experiences, they’re probably deflecting from their own record.
Their Price is Much Lower than their Competition
Movers all have about the same costs of operation. Most of the time, the profit margin is very slim. Unless there’s a really good reason, like it’s a long-distance move, and they have a truck in your area that would go back empty anyway, your mover simply can’t charge that much less.
Their Promise is Too Good to be True
You can’t move a baby grand piano with two guys, and it’s nearly impossible for a moving truck to get across country in a few days. If your mover is promising something the others are not, ask more questions. It’s likely too good to be true.
Featured image via PxHere
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